Study Shows Men Hurt More When Romantic Relationships Go Bad


New research from Wake University shows that men suffer more stress in a rocky relationship than women and have a harder time accepting a break-up.

The new study, published in the June issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, examined the relationships of 1,000 college-age Florida men and women. Researchers discovered that when a relationship is troubled, men are likely to suffer more than women because they do not have the same support system that women do.

The research also showed that when a relationship bottoms out, men are more likely to turn to substance abuse to cope. Women are more likely to become suffer from depression when the break-up of a long-term relationship occurs.

The men involved in the study were more likely to have divorced parents, making them more sensitive to the frailties of relationships, according to lead Wake Forest researcher Robin Simon. They do not usually have the same support network of friends and family that women do, and rely more on the emotional support of a romantic partner, making it tougher on them to cope when the relationship sours.

If you are involved in a rocky relationship and are contemplating a divorce, contact a Jacksonville divorce attorney to learn about all your legal options.

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