The Cost of a Florida Divorce

Shopping for a Jacksonville divorce attorney can be challenging. The first concern people often have is the price of a family law attorney. However, the legal ramifications of a divorce are just as important, if not more so, than those that involve actually getting married. So, why do we choose to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding dress, but want to count pennies on the divorce?
First, you should know that the cost of your divorce is determined by the complexity of your case and the issues that will need to be taken care of throughout the process. Also, attorneys that practice family law a.k.a. divorce law, charge by the hour. So, a retainer secures a certain amount of hours of their time and saves you from being billed once per week for the hours they have worked. Knowing your bills makes them easier to manage. Also, you have a right to know and you should know what your attorney charges per hour and how they bill that time.
The reality is that we, as a socially, are more willing to spend money on the “fun” things in life than the “necessary” things. Women spend thousands on their dress and men spend thousands on the engagement ring because we are excited about the end result. Divorce does not hold the same excitement, so neither does paying the bill. If you are in a position where divorce has become a necessity, do not start your search for a lawyer based on the negative and worrying about the cost, but try focusing on the outcome, which will ultimately place you in a position not to worry about the next argument every time you open your eyes in the morning.
The excitement of waking up without the yelling, concern or heartbreak should be enough to motivate you outside the cost into the thinking about your future. It’s not to say that all divorces need to be extremely expensive. What it does mean is that the majority of divorces that will protect your future interests effectively are also not going to a minimum. Think of it as an investment in your future and securing your future in a way that is protected by the Court.
The things you should focus on when hiring an attorney have to do with whether you and your attorney click on how you see your divorce playing out. If you think that you can agree on most things, do not hire someone that tells you not to give in. If you need alimony do not hire an attorney that will not fight for alimony. The reality is that attorneys, like wedding dresses, do come in different styles and you have to find the one that is right for you, not the one that is just priced to your liking.

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