Rosie O’Donnell’s Divorce Raises Questions About Homosexual Divorce In States Like Florida


Actress and talk show host Rosie O’Donnell and her long-time partner Kelli Carpenter made headlines when they married in California during the short period in which that state allowed gay marriage. Rosie is now speaking out about the couple’s recent divorce. Ms. O’Donnell reports that the couple’s divorce was amicable and “drama free” because both she and Ms. Carpenter made an effort to maintain their friendship. Ms. O’Donnell believes that women in particular are able to split without hard feelings because women “always want what’s best for everyone involved.” She believes that the intense emotional connections women make with each other make it difficult for them to simply sever the connection when the relationship ends.

As a testament to the former couple’s patience and understanding during the divorce, it took the news media nearly a year to pick up the story and put it in the headlines. Ms. O’Donnell made her comments during an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show. She said the divorce occurred because she and Ms. Carpenter were drifting apart.

What happens when a gay couple is legally married in one state, moves to another state, and subsequently wants to get divorced in that state? The answer is that they will probably not be allowed to get divorced under the laws of a state that does not recognize same-sex marriages, such as Florida. This makes things difficult for gay married couples who fought so hard to get the right to marry and now find it very difficult to get a legal divorce. Most states have a residency requirement to get divorced under their state laws. If a same-sex married couple moves to a state that does not recognize their marriage and no longer has residency in the state in which they were legally married, they may have to move back for a period of time just to get divorced. If you have questions about Florida Family Laws regarding this topic call a Jacksonville Divorce Attorney.

Find out more about Rosie O’Donnell’s split from wife Kelli Carpenter at O’DONNELL: ‘LESBIANS STAY CONNECTED AFTER DIVORCE’.

If you live in northeast Florida and are considering divorce, please contact our firm for legal counsel.

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