
Newlywed Husband to Divorce Wife Who Lied About Terminal Illness

The newlywed husband of a Westchester, N.Y. woman who lied about having leukemia to get a free wedding dress and honeymoon has filed for divorce.

Michael O’Connell told the New York Daily News that he is “disgusted and outraged” to discover that his bride, Jessica Vega, lied about having terminal cancer in order to evoke sympathy, not only from him but also from virtual strangers who gave the couple a free wedding and honeymoon, wedding rings and other merchandise and services when a story about them appeared in a local newspaper.

O’Connell said that Vega produced a “phony” letter from a cancer specialist confirming her diagnosis, although when he called the clinic where the letter came from, they told him she had never been a patient there. He also admitted to “slapping the fire” out of his estranged wife when he learned that her leukemia diagnosis was a lie.

The couple has a one-year-old daughter, and O’Connell’s father said his son may seek custody in the divorce. According to the news reports, Vega, who is employed as a chef in Stamford, Connecticut, has refused to admit her story was a ruse.

If you are getting a divorce in Florida and need professional help and support, contact our Jacksonville family law firm.

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