
New Year’s Resolution: File for Divorce

The holidays are supposed to be the happiest time of the year. But sometimes this joyous season can make people realize that they are not happy with their spouse. The holiday affect is presumed to be the culprit behind the fact that January is often the busiest month of the year for divorce attorneys. But what is it exactly that pushes marriages over the edge in December?

The coming New Year often brings a period of appraisal and reflection on one’s life. Those who have been struggling in a bad marriage may make a New Year’s resolution to give themselves a fresh start. There are also financial issues to be considered; there are tax advantages to finishing out the fiscal year with an unwanted spouse. It may also make it easier to sort out finances with all of the fresh information that becomes available at the start of tax season.

The stress of the holidays may also be to blame. Shopping, running up credit card bills and spending time with extended family can create additional stress on relationships. And of course there is always the office Christmas party, with alcohol increasing the chances for inappropriate behavior that may lead to infidelity.

If the holidays are making you feel like you need a fresh start, you should plan to contact an experienced divorce attorney as soon as possible. A good divorce lawyer can guide you through the difficult decisions that must be made with the sensitivity that you deserve. Please contact our firm for expert, compassionate legal counsel.

Read more about the holidays and divorce at Is Your New Year’s Resolution to Get a Divorce?

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